Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekly Weigh In: Blah

I wasn't surprised in the least when I hopped on the scale to see that I hadn't lost a blessed pound all week. Most people would enjoy a boost to their progress if they were unable to consume solid food, but I think it's obvious that I'm not most people.

The trouble is that since Wednesday, I've been either asleep on the couch or asleep in bed and I've essentially eaten whatever people brought to me without question. Apparently, Vicodin and I don't mix (I don't know how you do it, Dr. House...) and I'm glad to be back in my routine and able to trade the hard stuff for plain ibuprofen.

I'm still not quite on solid foods. I really appreciate the suggestions people have left in the comments and am glad to have options that don't include ice cream and tomato soup. Thanks for sharing your ideas and lending support.

In the past, this would be a dangerous time for me. It takes so little to break down the healthy habits that I've established. Another time, I would probably think, "what's one more day" and put off my return to healthy eating indefinitely. As it is, sugar seems to scramble my brain cells and erase my memory. It makes it easy for me to forget how great I feel when I'm doing what's right for me. Keeping this blog won't let me forget and reading your blogs and comments won't either.

If I am to succeed, I need to be able to remember that when I slip up, I don't start over tomorrow, I start over right now. In fact, I don't need to restart. That suggests that I stopped in the first place. I just need to continue and to shake off a hiccup in an otherwise successful process. So back on track and hoping for a loss this week!


Camevil said...

Well, you certainly had a very good reason why you didn't lose. And you know what? You didn't gain, especially with the bad food and below zero metabolism. That's fantastic! It's not like you even took a step back. You just "paused."

new*me said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for your loss this week. And great advice to yourself...........slipping up doesn't mean a free ride the rest of the day ;) Sometimes we all need a little break, just not too long ;)

Rebecca said...

I stayed the same this week too and so did many other bloggers I was reading! I guess it was in the air this week! Blah!

Anonymous said...

I love how you phrased that! theres no need to restart----you didnt stop. you just DONT STOP.

you can do this just keep that mantra/focus and it'll be a great week ahead.

Dina said...

Hi, I stumbled across your blog. You can do it! And great job so far!

Felicia said...

Welcome to the Healthy You Challenge!!

Best wishes to you on your journey!

Angelicdevil said...

its a good way to look at things, whenever i'm having a bad day i think well there's always tomorrow to get back on track but whats wrong with starting back up straight away again.
welcome to healthy you challenge, good luck with your weight loss

Jazzy Peggy said...

I hope you are feeling better. I like what you said about if you say you are starting over then you are saying you stopped. We need to do like flylady and just jump in where we are. I liked your comments.

Ria said...

Glad you're feeling well enough to get off the pain meds. I don't do well with them either . . . I was prescribed Tylenol 3 w/codeine a few years ago for some minor surgery, and I just hated the way it made me feel.

I love your attitude re continuing/getting back on track, and I bet you'll see a nice loss this week. I think our bodies need to hold onto some extra fluid while they're healing.

Hope you like the protein shakes . . . I've been making so many that I've had to invest in a cherry pitter!

JanetM97 said...

Welcome to HYC! Sorry about your dental surgery pain! Hang in there on the rest. I didn't lose anything this week either. Probably good to have this happen once in awhile to "solidify" the weight loss, and keep it going in the right direction, right?! :)